Season Covid-19
OMG! well our 2020 winter just happened - and ended Seven weeks too soon. The corona virus has arrived and now occupies our lives.
It’s the end of March and we’ve six days left until quarantine of fifteen days expires. And then? we don’t know, I'm not sure anyone does.
My children occupy their time playing in a quiet narrow street behind our apartment. This reminds me of holidays in Italy with my sister. Running around with our cousins; while grown-ups sit Al fresco chatting (a typical Italian evening).
We manage a good walk a day in the forests. The allowance of One hour outside, is filled with plenty of fresh air and Fondue (the dog) fun.
The winter started on a good track. Our kids have nailed their skiing and are probably counting the medals as your reading this. We’ve had special moments watching as our children thrive in these mountains.
Facetime has become a regular treat to catch up with our family and friends. We’re looking forward to seeing them all in person. So virus please "do one” for us to get on with our lives again.